Code for Thought

Happy Birthday RSE

RSE Season 3 Episode 5

The term research software engineering is celebrating its 10th anniversary today. It was coined during a Collaborations workshop on 21 March 2012. I was privileged to meet with 7 of the participants who took part in this workshop and together we talk how it all came about.
My guests are:

  • Neil Chue Hong MPhys FBCS, Director, Software Sustainability Institute and Senior 
  • Prof. Simon Hettrick, Deputy Director, The Software Sustainability Institute
  • Robert Haines, Head of Research IT, Uni Manchester
  • Dirk Gorissen, Product Manager
  • Rob Baxter, Director of Data Services, EPCC, University of Edinburgh
  • Ilian Todorov,  STFC UKRI
  • James Hetherington FBCS, Director, Advanced Research Computing Centre, University College London

But it's not just walking down memory lane. Even though, RSEs are now found in a number of research centres and universities across different countries, there is still lots to do. The challenges ahead range from creating attractive and sustainable career paths, securing funding, improving on diversity and others.

And finally, after 2 years of pandemic, it is great to see the announcement for an in-person RSE conference again. And this year, it will be in Newcastle, UK.

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