Code for Thought
Welcome to Code for Thought, the podcast about software for research and the people who make it. Languages: English, German, French
Code for Thought
Open Science and Research Software
Open Science is a broad term. While in Paris in 2022 I had the pleasure of meeting Teresa Gomez-Diaz from the Université Gustave Eiffel for my very first face to face interview. In it we discuss what the term Open Science entails and how free/open software fit into it.
For some years, Teresa Gomez-Diaz has been working with others to arrive at a common understanding of the term. Together with her collaborators they provided a definition that rests on three pillars: Open Access (publication), Free/Open Software, Open Data.
As for research software, Teresa stresses the importance of software licensing. And in the course we touch on different strategies how that can be accomplished with GNU GPL licence (strong copyleft) and other Free/Open Source Software licences.
Here are some references for this episode, with papers by Teresa Gomez-Diaz and co-authors. The Twitter link below is with respect to the "mushroom" of Open Science we discuss during the episode.
- https://f1000research.com/articles/8-1353/v2 On the evaluation of research software: the CDUR procedure
- https://zenodo.org/record/4577066#.Ys0lfi8w1k4 Towards an Open Science definition as a political and legal framework: on the sharing and dissemination of research outputs
- https://zenodo.org/record/6433533#.Ys0l4C8w1k4 The future of Open Science asks for a common understanding
- https://twitter.com/evamen/status/844158610225664000
- http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~teresa/logicielsLIGM/documents/CoursLL/2022avril_RS_UGE_TGD.pdf course material (in French) for the course on research software (including licences,
Open Science definition etc.) by Teresa Gomez-Diaz
The Unesco recommendation on Open Science can be found on
A definition of 'copyleft'
Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Thank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören!
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