Code for Thought
Welcome to Code for Thought, the podcast about software for research and the people who make it. Languages: English, German, French
Code for Thought
Who is Pierre Bourdieu
Talking about sociology in software development is rare. But that is exactly what happened at a meet-up I went to in Paris in 2019. Fabien Lamarque, software craftsman from Bordeaux, gave a presentation on what sociology can teach us in terms of team dynamics and team structure. Specifically, the work of Pierre Bourdieu, a leading French philosopher and sociologist.
In this episode we talk about a number of important aspects facing today's software developers: team structure, flat teams and hierarchy and how télétravail - remote working - has impacted all of that during the pandemic.
Here is a list of books and links mentioned in this episode:
- https://fabien-lamarque.eu/Bourdieu-and-sociology-in-software-development/ - Fabien's Blog post in English on Pierre Bourdieu
- and here in French https://fabien-lamarque.eu/les-impacts-de-Bourdieu-sur-les-coding-dojo/
- Jo Freeman's position paper on 'The tyranny of structurelessness' https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm
- Culture and Power: The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, an introductory book by David Swartz
- Pierre Bourdieu: vie oeuvres concepts (French) Patrice Bonnewitz
- Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution, by Pëtr Kropotkin
- Extreme Programming Explained, by Kent Beck
Thank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören!
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